Tutorial - Magic Selection Brush

Issue: Smart objects selection/background replace using Photo Pos Pro Magic Selection Brush (figure no.1)
Photo Pos Pro Magic Selection Brush
In order to smart select objects/replace background simply follow these steps:
  1. Open the desired (the object) picture - (Click on File -> Open menu or Ctrl+O, figure no.2)

    Photo Pos Pro Magic Selection Brush

    figure no. 2

  2. From the Tools toolbar select the Magic Selection Brush (figure no.3)

    Photo Pos Pro Magic Selection Brush
    figure no.3

  3. The Magic Selection Brush has four modes (figure no.4):
    • Select Object From Inside: On this mode in order to select an object you have to continuously run (paint) on the object contour FROM THE INSIDE using the magic selection brush
    • Select Object From Outside: On this mode in order to select an object you have to continuously run (paint) near the object contour FROM THE OUTSIDE using the magic selection brush
    • Direct Area Select + Fill Holes (default mode): On this mode in order to select object/area you have to paint the entire area with the brush, the brush WILL automatically fill holes found inside the selected area
    • Direct Area Select: On this mode in order to select object/area you have to paint the entire area with the brush, the brush WILL NOT fill holes found inside the selected area

    For this example we will use the default mode (Direct Area Select + Fill Holes, figure no.4)

    Photo Pos Pro Magic Selection Brush
    figure no.4

  4. In order to (actively) select the object simply start "paint it" with the brush. To entirely select the object make sure to completely "paint" it (figure no.5)

    • You can select ("paint") the object in multiple steps, simply "paint" each area on the object at a time
    • Fixing wrong selected areas: If you accidently selected a wrong area to fix it simply repaint it while click and hold the Ctrl key (this will substruct the painted area from the over all selection. Tip - this substruction technique works for all of the selection tools)

    Photo Pos Pro Magic Selection Brush
    figure no.5

  5. Finally you should get the object fully selected (figure no. 6)

    Photo Pos Pro Magic Selection Brush
    figure no.6

Continue Tutorial (Steps 6-11 / Part B) >>>

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