Tutorial - Text Over Path Effects

Issue: Create great text over path effects (figure no.1)

Create great text over path effects
figure no.1

Note: Photo Pos Pro v4 text over path tool is a brand new tool that was was re-written from the scratch in order to bring you a super powerful vectorial text tool

To create Text Over Path Effect simply follow these steps:
  1. Create 800 x 800 new blank empty image (Click on File -> New -> Blank Image menu).
  2. Choose the Text Over Path Tool:

    Create great text over path effects

    In order to draw a text, point the mouse on the starting point of the text, press and hold down the left mouse's button . Next, drag the mouse's pointer to the spot where you wish the text to end and release the button.

  3. Type in the desired text on the pop up text dialog (figure no.2)

    Create great text over path effects
    figure no.2

  4. Type in the desired text on the pop up text dialog (figure no.3)

    Create great text over path effects
    figure no.3

  5. Set the desired text path, size, font and etc using the tool's properties toolbar (the upper toolbar, figure no.4). Finally set the desired text color/style using the fore style picker (founds on the top right side of the screen, figure no.4)

    Create great text over path effects
    figure no.4

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