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How to: Selection issues

Move/Resize/Rotate selection content

After selecting an area, in order to move the selection's content:
  1. From the Tools toolbar choose the Moving/Transform tool -
  2. Point on the "hot points (the red points by default)" with the mouse, press on the left button and move/resize/rotate the selection.

    Note: moving/transforming the selection's content will create a float selection (The operation will create a "floating" selection above the layer from which it was created).

  3. Change the selection content opacity: After moving/transforming the selection's content you can easily change its opacity. To do it first press F3 to open the Layers Properties window. Changing the "Float Selection" opacity slider control on this window will change the float selection content opacity.

Select complex/multiple areas

  1. Open the desired picture - (Click on File -> Open menu or Ctrl+O.)
  2. From the Tools toolbar choose the desired Selection tool .Press F2 (or on the icon at the right side of the upper toolbar) and the Tool Properties window will open.
  3. In order to select complex areas on a picture, you must use the Advanced Selections Techniques of adding and subtracting (leaving out) selections. When there is a selection on the picture and you wish to add to the selection (i.e. select other areas on the picture and/or increase the selection), press the Shift button and perform the selection you wish to add (using any one of the three selection tools). In order to subtract (leave out) from a selection, press the Ctrl key and perform the selection you wish to subtract (leave out) using one of following two selection tools: Standard Selection or Custom Selection (this option is not available for Magic Wand). Example: to select a donut/ring shaped area you must first select the circumference of the exterior ring (circle selection) and afterwards subtract from it (leave out) the inner circumference (selecting an inner circle which is smaller while pressing the Ctrl key).
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