Scripts & Batch Operations
This tool enables you to define a series of Script Operations as well as enable you to perform them on a large number of files. For example, you can define scripts to enhance pictures, increase and decrease the size of pictures, change pictures' format (for example, convert jpg files to bmp files) and many more operations. For example, if you took pictures on a cold, wet day and the pictures came out dark and blurry, you can create a script which performs an Auto Brightness operation (for brightening the picture) and afterwards the Sharp operation (to sharpen the picture) and finally increasing the Saturation (to enrich the colors of the picture). After creating the script, you can run it on the desired pictures in order to improve them.
The Script & Batch Operations window is made up of 3 main parts:
- Script Manager - Used for organizing the scripts (for creating them, editing them, saving them and more).
- Batch Manager (Input) - Used for organizing the list of files on which the script will run (contains the list of files on which the script will be performed).
- Batch Manager (Output) - Used for organizing the Output of the Batch Operation (in which directory the files on which the script is run will be saved and in which format).
Script Manager
Using the Script Manager, you can create new scripts, save scripts, load saved scripts, edit scripts and more. The Script Manager contains a toolbar which enables the following operations:

- New Script Button - This button is used to create a new script. In order to create a new script, press this button.
- Open Script Button - This button is used for loading an existing script. In order to load an existing script, pres this button and select it from the list.
- Save Button - This button is used for saving a script. In order to save a script, press this button.
- Save As Button - This button is used to create a copy of the script. In order to save a copy of the script, press this button. In the dialog box which will open, type in the new name of the copy of the script and press OK.
- Add Command(s) Button - This button is used to add (a) command(s) to a script. In order to add new command to a script, press this button. Pressing the button will open a window presenting a list of commands. In order to add the desired command(s), select them (it is possible to select more than one command by pressing and holding down the Ctrl key) and authorize the operation (by clicking OK).
- Remove Command Button - This button is used for removing a command from a script. In order to remove a command from the script select it from the list of commands and press this button.
- Move to Bottom, Move Down, Move Up, Move to Top Buttons - These buttons are used to change the hierarchic positions of the commands in the script, accordingly (The script operation is performed from the first command on the list to the last one on the list).
Each command on the script contains its own unique characteristics (for example, the Sharp command contains the characteristic which sets the desired level of sharpness. The Brightness button contains the characteristic which sets the desired level of brightness). In order to change the characteristics of a command, select it from the command list. The command's properties will appear in the frame to its right, which enables its assessment as well.
Name and Description Boxes - If you wish to save the script, you can type its name in these boxes, as well as the description of the operation it performs. This data is optional, though it is recommended that you do fill them in so that in the future you may remember what purpose the script has. This information is also useful (and relevant) when you want to share your script with other users.
Input Preview Box - This box presents the Thumbnail picture of the selected file from the file list in the Batch Manager (Input) when a script is being edited. When a script is being run, it presents the Thumbnail picture of the file on which the script is being run at any given moment. It is only relevant if there are files on the list.
Output Preview Box - This box presents the Thumbnail Preview picture of the file selected from the file list in the Batch Manager (Output) according to the Pre. Execute Mode when a script is being edited. When a script is being run, it presents the Thumbnail Preview picture of the file on which the script is being run at any given moment. It is only relevant when there are files on the list.
Prev. Execute Mode - With this command it is possible to select out of three possibilities what will be seen in the Output Preview box:
- Single Cmd - Will present a preview of the picture as it will appear after performing the command selected from the script commands list (if one exists).
- Sequence Cmd's - Will present a preview of the picture as it will appear after performing a series of commands up until (and including) the command selected from the script commands list (if one exists).
- All The Script - Will present in the box a preview of the picture as it will appear after running the entire script (if one exists).
Batch Manager (Input) - This is used to manage the files on which the scripts will be run. You can add/remove files from the list using the Add File, Remove File, and the Remove All buttons, accordingly. You can also add files to the list using the Picture Browser (for more details, read the chapter on the Picture Browser).
Batch Manager (Output) - Running scripts on the files will not change them, but rather create a copy of them. With this window it is possible to set where (in which directory) the files will be saved and in which format:
Output Directory - The destination directory where the files will be saved. You can select a different directory using the Browse button.
Output File Format - Determines in which format the files will be saved (the default Save As Input implies that they will be saved in the same format as the original).
An Example to Creating a Script:
Suppose you took pictures with a digital camera and you wish to send them by e-mail to a friend. You wish to decrease the size of the pictures so that they won't take up so much space when sending them by e-mail. To perform the operation, follow the following steps:
- Open the Script Window (Click on File -> Scripts & Batch Operations menu).
- Add the files you wish to decrease by using the Add File button.
- Press on the Add Command button in the toolbar. Select the Resize (%) command and press OK to authorize.
- Select the command from the list and set the new picture size using the New Size (%) slider. In order to decrease the picture to a quarter of its original size, select the 50 value.
- After running the script, the decreased pictures will be saved in the Output Directory. You can select a different directory using the Browse button.
- In the Output File Format box select the jpg (Jpeg) option. This way the decreased files will be saved in the Jpeg format-a common format used for sending pictures through e-mail.
- In order to complete the operation, run the script using the Run Script button.
- When the script operation is completed, you will find the decreased pictures in the output directory.
Converting the format of multiple files:
Suppose you wish to convert files with Bmp format to files with Jpg format. To perform the operation, follow the following steps:
- Open the Script Window (Click on File -> Scripts & Batch Operations menu).
- Add the files you wish to convert (the Bmp files) to the list using the Add File button.
- In the Output File Format box select the jpg (Jpeg) option.
- After running the script, the converted files will be saved in the Output Directory. You can select a different directory using the Browse button.
- In order to complete the operation, run the script (pay attention to whether the script contains any commands or not so that the only operation that will be performed will be a copy of the files and the conversion of the file types) using the Run Script button.
- When the script operation has completed, you will find the converted files in the output directory.
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