Tutorial - Creating a Greeting Card
Issue: Creating a Greeting Card for new years day (figure no. 1).

figure no.1
To create greeting cards simply follow these steps:
- Open the theme backgrounds window (Do this by clicking the
icon on the Shortcuts toolbar or Click on File -> Browse Theme Backgrounds� menu). Select the Flowers tab. Select the DSC_1039.jpg background and press Load Background. A new copy of the background will be exported to the editor. (Figure no. 2).
 figure no. 2
- Select Tools -> Frames -> Add Frame (Mask Type)� menu and open the Add Frame window. From the Add Frame window select the frame named Paper1.jpg and click OK. The frame will be applied to the entire picture (figure no. 3).
 figure no. 3
- Choose the Text Over Path tool -
- In order to draw the text, point the mouse on the starting point of the text, press and hold down one the mouse's button . Next, drag the mouse's pointer to the spot where you wish the text to end and release the button. After selecting the desires location, the Add Text dialog box will appear
 figure no. 5
- Click the Editor Tab. Select the Wave path and Arial font with a size of 30 and Choose Bold. Unmark the "Auto" box and set the Text Length (%) to 100 (Setting this will cause the text to stretch and to fit to 100% length of the path). Type "Happy New Year!" in the text box (figure 6.) and press OK (figure 7.).
 figure no. 6
 figure no. 7
- Set the desired text style by clicking on the "Colors & Style" card index and choosing the "Custom Colors/Style" option. Next click on the "Select..." button to open the Style Picker dialog box. Using the Style Picker dialog box you can create your own desire style or load the predefined style we used for this sample (To load the predefined style we used on this sample click on the "Load Style�" button and select the style named "GreetingCard1.pstl" founds under "c:\program files\Photo Pos Pro photo editor\Styles\Tutorials" by Default).
- [Optional]: To get a nice wavy text shape, after you have created the text and you wish to change/move it, point on its border with the mouse and, pressing the mouse's left button drag it to create nice wavy text shape or move it to the desired spot.
- Select the Effects -> More -> 3D menu. The 3D Effect dialog box will open. Set the Light slider to 90% (figure no. 8). Click "OK" to finish.
 figure no. 8
- Select the Effects -> Light -> Shadow menu. The Shadow Effect dialog box will open. set the dialog box values as shown in figure 9. Press OK to Finish.
 figure no. 9
- Left click the floating text and drag it to the desired place. Press Enter to finish and fix the text (figure no. 10).
 figure no. 10
- [Optional]: If you wish to edit the text select the text tool, right click on the text and select "Edit Text" from the pop up menu.
- [Optional]: If you wish to send the greeting card by e-mail, we advise to resize and decrease the size of the image. Click Ctrl + w (or Image -> Resize... menu). The resize function window will open. Select a width of 400 and click OK.
- Finally, we add a black border to the image. Press Ctrl + b (or Image -> Adjust Board Size And Resolution... menu). The Board Size & Resolution window will open. Select a width of 402 and a height of 268 pixels. Click the B.G. Color box and select the desired border color (black on this sample). Click OK after choosing the color. Click OK again. The result is shown in figure 11.
 figure no. 11
- The final Greeting Card project sample can be found under "c:\program files\Photo Pos Pro photo editor\Templates\Tutorials\GreetingCard1.fpos" by Default).