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Tutorial - Chrome Effect

Issue: Creating Chrome Effect (the chrome effect can be applied to any object, on this tutorial we will apply it to a text object, figure no.1)

figure no.1

* This tutorial is for v1.89.7 or higher of the photo editor
To create Chrome Text Effect open the photo editor and simply follow these steps:
  1. Create 550 x 200 new black empty image (Click on File -> New menu or Ctrl+n).
  2. Choose the Text Tool - . In order to draw a text, point the mouse on the starting point of the text, press and hold down one the mouse's button . Next, drag the mouse's pointer to the spot where you wish the text to end and release the button. After selecting the desires location, the Add Text dialog box will appear
  3. Set the the text color to white by clicking on the "Colors & Style" card index and choosing the white color.
  4. On the "Add Text" dialog box under the "Editor" card index type in the desired text. To get a good effect choose big bold font size (60 or higher). Click "OK" to finish (figure no.2).

    figure no.2

  5. Click on the Effects -> More -> 3D... Menu
  6. The 3D Effect dialog box will be open. On the dialog box set the values: Level=20 to 25, Light=200, Angle=315 (figure no.3) and click "OK" to finish (figure no.3A).

    figure no.3

    figure no.3A

  7. Click on the Colors -> Curves menu.
  8. The Colors Curves dialog box will open. Select the "Chrome1.crv" curve from the list click ok to confirm (figure no.4 & 4A, this curve comes with version 1.89.7 or higher of the photo editor)

    figure no.4

    figure no.4A

  9. Click on the Effects -> Colors -> Colorize... Menu
  10. The Colorize Effect dialog box will be open. On the dialog box select the desire color (for blue tint set the values: Red=0, Blue=128, Green=255, for the yellow tint set the values: Red=255, Blue=220, Green=0) and click "OK" to finish (figure no.5).
  11. Using the mouse, point on the floating text. While pointing the floating text, click on the left button and drag the text to the desired place.
  12. Click 'Enter' to finish and fix the text (figure no.5).

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