Tutorial - Chrome Effect
Issue: Creating Chrome Effect (the chrome effect can be applied to any object, on this tutorial we will apply it to a text object, figure no.1)
figure no.1
* This tutorial is for v1.89.7 or higher of the photo editor
To create Chrome Text Effect open the photo editor and simply follow these steps:
- Create 550 x 200 new black empty image (Click on File -> New menu or Ctrl+n).
- Choose the Text Tool - .
In order to draw a text, point the mouse on the starting point of the text, press and hold down one the mouse's button . Next, drag the mouse's pointer to the spot where you wish the text to end and release the button. After selecting the desires location, the Add Text dialog box will appear
- Set the the text color to white by clicking on the "Colors & Style" card index and choosing the white color.
- On the "Add Text" dialog box under the "Editor" card index type in the desired text. To get a good effect choose big bold font size (60 or higher). Click "OK" to finish (figure no.2).
figure no.2
- Click on the Effects -> More -> 3D... Menu
- The 3D Effect dialog box will be open. On the dialog box set the values: Level=20 to 25, Light=200, Angle=315 (figure no.3) and click "OK" to finish (figure no.3A).
figure no.3
figure no.3A
- Click on the Colors -> Curves menu.
- The Colors Curves dialog box will open. Select the "Chrome1.crv" curve from the list click ok to confirm (figure no.4 & 4A, this curve comes with version 1.89.7 or higher of the photo editor)
figure no.4
figure no.4A
- Click on the Effects -> Colors -> Colorize... Menu
- The Colorize Effect dialog box will be open. On the dialog box select the desire color (for blue tint set the values: Red=0, Blue=128, Green=255, for the yellow tint set the values: Red=255, Blue=220, Green=0) and click "OK" to finish (figure no.5).
- Using the mouse, point on the floating text. While pointing the floating text, click on the left button and drag the text to the desired place.
- Click 'Enter' to finish and fix the text (figure no.5).
figure no.5