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Creating a Template Based Collage/Using Templates

Issue: Create Stunning Designs Using Templates.

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Templates are actually pre-made designs created by us to allow you create common designs fast & easy.
  1. Start with creating 600 x 450 pixels new template based image:

    • Click on File -> New -> Collage� menu and select the collage named collage (6).fpos and click "Next" (figure no.1)
    • In the second screen set the template size to 600 x 450 and click ok to finish (Figure no.2)

      figure no.1

      figure no.2

  2. Fitting the template - Set your own images and texts:

    • Choose the Moving/Transform tool - .
    • Right click on the big image object at the top-right side of the template and select "Replace Object Image/Style" from the pop up menu. Next select the desired image you wish to put on this place (figure no.3). Repeat this step for each picture in the template - set your own image instead of the template default images. Finally you should get a template with your own images instead of the default ones.

      figure no.3

    • [Optional]: You may fit the size, location, angle and etc. of any image object by left click on the image and use the mouse and the marks on the screen to do the fittings.
    • [Optional]: You may fit the look and effects of any image object by left click on the image and use any of the desired menu commands. For example to brighten a dark image left click on it, next click on the Colors -> Brightness/Contrast... menu and set the desire brightness level.
    • [Optional]: Photo Pos Pro photo editor has two types of effects and enhancements: Raster effects and enhancements and Vectorial effects and enhancements. Raster effects can not be removed from the image once applied (Like RGB, Brighness/Contrast, Gamma and etc.). Vectorial effects on the other hand can be remove/changed at any time. Most of the objects in the templates has vectorial effects, for example on the current template the images have a white border (inline effect) and a shadow effect. Controlling those effects is very easy:
      • Right click on the image and select the "Vectorial Effects" option from the pop up menu. This will open the effects card-index and the effects panel of the object at the layers windows. Using the vectorial effects panel you can control which effects will be applied to the object. To aplly an effects simply checked the related check box. To control the effect parameters click on the "..." that founds button near the effect name (figure no.5)
      • Click on the "..." button near the Inline effect and set the parameters as shown on figure no.4

        figure no.4

        figure no.5

    • Once finished fitting the template images insert your own text at the same way - right click on the text object and select "Edit Text" from the pop up menu (Make sure the Moving/Transform tool is selected, otherwise the pop up menu may be deferent according to the current selected tool), insert your own text and click OK to finish.
    • [Optional]: Right click on the text and select the "Vectorial Effects" option from the pop up menu to open the effects panel. Click on the "..." button near the Outline effect and set the parameters: Level = 1, Color = Light Blue.
    • Finally you should get your own template based design (figure no.6)

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